March 16, 2010

Today in Information Systems we learned about HTML.

HTML stands for Hyper Text Mark-up Language.

HTML is the language to display web pages.

Here is some basic HTML for a very simple web page:

<title>Welcome to my web page</title>
<body bgcolor=”white” text=”blue”>
<h1>This is my web page</h1>
This could become the best web site in the world EVER!!!

See full size image

By Kerr

Internet Providers & Hardware

March 11, 2010

Today in Information Systems we touched on ISP and the hardware needed to access the internet,

ISP(Internet Service Provider)– A company that can give you access to the internet and may also give you a email and webhosting. Depending on the amount you pay to your ISP the faster your connection can be.

You can connect to the internet by using a modem. Modems can come in many different ways such as via cable, telephone and a USB stick.

Here is a video tell you a bit more about Modems:

By David


March 9, 2010

Today in Int 2 IS we learned about the different protcols in TCP/IP (transfer control protocol and internet protocol)

The 4 main internet service protocols that we learned about are:

HTTP –  is the service protocol that allows users to receive information from the World Wide Web

FTP – allows users to send (or receive) copies of files from or to different computer systems or networks.

SMTP –  is generally the protocol used to send outgoing email messages

POP3 –  is generally the protocol used to receive incoming email messages

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is concerned with taking a data message, breaking it into smaller chunks called packets and then re-assembling it again at the other end.

This is a link to tell you more about TCP

This is a link to tell you more about IP

By Colin


February 8, 2010

In information systems we did coursework about databases. We had to make our own database and design our own field types and design our own layouts. We had to print evidence out to pass the coursework.

After we did a similar task where we related a keeper database to an animal database. We printed out what validation is used , reports and queries about the database.

Now we are on image editting where we or on an application called pixlr where you can edit an image on a scene or a background.

By Ewan Martin

Database Reports

January 19, 2010

Today in int 2 info systems we recapped on database reports for managers of a company and we looked at invoice layouts for customers.  A report for a maneger would normally have things related to money like the product price and would have the quantity sold. An invoic layout for a customer would have the logo of the place that the bought it from like Argos in top left hand corner and the date in the right hand corner. It would also have the billing too and the shipment to, order ID, customerID, product price, quantity, order date, required date, shipped date and maybe salesperson.


By Colin

EduBlogAwards 2009

December 16, 2009

Today we found out that our class had been nominated for the edublogawards 2009. This is a great success for us because we have not been blogging for that long and already we have a chance at winning an international award for blogging. We are competing with some of the top schools around the world and i think we have a very good chance at winning. We would really appreciate it if you could vote for our class here.

We are called Forrester High School Int 2 Info Systems. Click vote and make us one step closer to winning!

Sorting Databases

December 7, 2009

Last time in information systems we looked at sorting databases. Databases are very efficient at searching and sorting large amounts of data. The ways that a database can sort (which we know so far) is either ascending or descending, this means that the data will either be from A-Z (ascending) or Z-A (descending) in numeric this is 1-9 (ascending) or 9-1 (descending). When sorting ONE field this is a simple sort, when sorting TWO OR MORE fields then it is a complex sort.

Here is a video on how to sort mulitple fields, this is in Microsoft Access but the functions are pretty much the same compared with Filemaker Pro.

Thank You For Reading!


November 24, 2009

Today in Information Systems we recapped on data types like Text, Number and Date. We also looked at validation-restricting certain data getting entered into a field. Instead of the computer telling you that you have put in the wrong data you could use a drop down list or a radio button. Radio button is a circle, when you click it it turns black and thats the one you’ve chosen.If you want to find more information here’s a link to David’s post.

To be continued…….

By Kerr

Data Dictionaries Contin.

November 23, 2009

For the past three days(17th-19th) in Information Systems we have been looking at Data Dictionaries.

By now we should know that a data dictionary is a document that contains information about the different data items in a database. If you can’t remember  much,heres Ewan’s post .

We started thinking about inserting multimedia in databases such as images, sound or even a video.

Posted By David

Data Dictionary Knowledge Put To The Test

November 18, 2009

In Class today we put our data dictionary knowledge to the test

We used our wikispace to get different questions which we then made data dictionaries for.

Above is an example of the data dictionaries which we were creating.

We already know from Ewan’s blog that data dictionaries are documents which contain information on different entities and their attributes from a database.

Thank you for reading this blog I hope you found it interesting

Written by Lee W